Our Story

The McLains

Melanie McLain


Hi! I’m Melanie and I love bringing global goods to your home. In 2013, my husband and I moved to Dhaka, Bangladesh to live and work. This is when I fell in love with Kantha blankets. Every time I would see one, I would buy it! But what I really fell in love with, was what they represented, supporting women. We spent seven years traveling and working abroad. During that time, I learned about organizations that support women in economic disadvantages and the goods they produce. When it was time for us to move back to the USA, I knew I wanted to share the products I fell in love with, with you! For years, I shared these precious items with friends and family and now I’m excited to share them with you and bring them into your house. I hope you love these products as much (or more!) than I do!

Places we've lived